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Experience backed by accreditation and certification

Our mission is to keep aircraft fully operational by sourcing and delivering used aviation products of the highest quality. That’s why we have experienced, bright, and industry-passionate people as well as the accreditation and certificates that are needed to embed quality & solid processes in our organisation.

ASA-100 accredited | ISO 9001:2015
AS 9120 Rev.B | FAA AC 00-56B.


The ASA Accreditation Program (ASAAP) is a 36 month audit program based on the ASA-100 Standard. The standard was created to comply with the FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 00-56, the Voluntary Industry Distributor Accreditation Program. ASA-100 emphasizes issues such as impartiality, competence, and reliability – all specific to the regulated needs of the aerospace industry. ASA’s experienced auditors have all worked in the aerospace industry for air carriers, repair stations, manufacturers, distributors; and have extensive experience in the aviation regulations and industry business practices.


The AS9120 Standard is the requirements for a Quality Management System based on AS9100 which adds 100+ additional requirements that are specific to distributors who carry aircraft components like, fasteners, electronics, gaskets, etc. It helps ensure that they handle the materials properly and track the part from OEM to customer. AS9120 was developed for pass-through distributors of aerospace items and addresses chain of custody, traceability, control and availability of record.

Certificate of Recognition for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air – cat A.

In the Netherlands, all parties involved in the transport of dangerous goods by air, such as shippers, agents, ground handlers and airlines, must have a certificate of recognition. This is granted by the Inspectorate once it has been determined that the applicant meets all the applicable requirements such as the training of all staff involved.

The Netherlands has the legislation, the so called: ‘Regulation for recognized bodies for the transport of dangerous goods’ (Stcrt. 209, nr. 19721) for bodies which can be recognized as a competent authority of ADR, RID, ADN. Based on this regulation such recognized bodies may carry out certain acts, like testing of packaging for the transport of dangerous goods. The recognition and supervision on these bodies is done by the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT).

Quality Statement & Quality Survey

To ensure the quality and integrity of our published data and to ensure standardization and effectiveness of the processes involved, APOC publishes a Quality Statement & Quality Survey.